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  1. roshan

    Shipping Container of New Biktrix FS Model Stolen.. Help track down the thieves.

    Thanks for all your empathy folks. The police haven't been helpful at all. They found the empty container by the side of the road a couple of days later and the department that found it didn't speak to the investigating department. So I had to be the liason between the two. I am really...
  2. roshan

    Juggernaut Ultra DUO 3 in blue, arrived more purple, Biktrix made it right.

    Unfortunately, metallic colours appear different in different light. It is also seen different by different people (1 in 12 men are colour blind apparently. Read more here: The colours also appear different on different screens. More on...
  3. roshan

    Juggernaut Ultra DUO 3 in blue, arrived more purple, Biktrix made it right.

    You got the refund. You’re welcome to donate it or do as you please with it! We did our share in making great bikes that helped a customer get out of a bad situation already ;)
  4. roshan

    Juggernaut Ultra DUO 3 in blue, arrived more purple, Biktrix made it right.

    Like I said in my previous message, only one with this problem is you. And it appears that the problem is now solved. Great! Sour grapes? Is it blue or purple grapes? Haha.
  5. roshan

    Shifter easy from 5th to 4th then gets real tough into 3rd, 2nd 1st

    Check if the yellow line on the hub is aligned perfectly.
  6. roshan

    Juggernaut Ultra DUO 3 in blue, arrived more purple, Biktrix made it right.

    But seriously, I've never heard ANYONE say this bike was purple of the 100s we've sold of this exact colour. We gave you a refund to make you happy but I don't necessarily agree that it is any more purple than it is blue, exactly as described on our website. End of the day, we wanted you to be...
  7. roshan

    Bafang M510 and Biktrix

    That bike is a such a good deal if you know what you're looking at.,
  8. roshan

    Bafang M510 and Biktrix

    We use M600 on our MC Lite.. When we tested M510 vs M600, there is really no noticeable difference in performance. Also, from experience, I have learnt to wait at least 2-3 generations before bringing a new Bafang motor to production.
  9. roshan

    Monte Capro Ultra

    Let Tej know! We can make that happen.
  10. roshan

    Monte Capro Ultra

    Shoot us an email [email protected] We’ll help you out no problem!
  11. roshan

    Seat riser for Escape and Escape Pro

    Hey folks, check out this seat riser that works for the Escape and Escape pro.
  12. roshan

    PAS on Stunner X

    Sorry, what do you mean by soft start? Several people define that differenly.
  13. roshan

    PAS on Stunner X

    The torque remains at 120Nm
  14. roshan

    PAS on Stunner X

    It will come programmed, you just need to set the speed limit on the display which takes about 20 seconds to do.
  15. roshan

    Extended warranty in general, and Stunner X6 questions

    Hi Regnad, great questions. I would recommend posting this question on this Facebook group where there are 1000s of Biktrix bike owners:
  16. roshan

    Black Friday Free Shipping, NOT!!

    Haha Tom hasn’t even been to BIKTRIX or met anyone here ;)
  17. roshan

    Black Friday Free Shipping, NOT!!

    When was the wheelset delivered? When was the damage reported with pictures? Can you clarify again, what you paid for the wheelset?
  18. roshan

    Black Friday Free Shipping, NOT!!

    I’m sure there is more to the story. There always is. And yes, all our items are shipped insured and we make claims as needed if the damage is reported correctly.
  19. roshan

    Black Friday Free Shipping, NOT!!

    Thanks for chiming in, Rome. This thread wouldn’t even be here if the OP simply contacted us and asked about the shipping fee. In fact, we would have thrown in a free goodie for pointing out a bug on our website. But for some people, when they run into issues, they would way rather make a huge...
  20. roshan

    Black Friday Free Shipping, NOT!!

    I’ll ask my 65 employees tomorrow and if one of them wants to tell me, and if they don’t mind me accepting or denying that on a forum, I’ll let you know ;) You can go first as you probably don’t mind disclosing where you work in public.