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  1. AleksR

    Komoot and the new Bosch Kiox navigation

    based on the calculus its about 0.5% of the battery
  2. AleksR

    Komoot and the new Bosch Kiox navigation

    Does iPhone continuous charging use much of the battery? If I rode for 5 hours, will it be negligent use by iPhone?
  3. AleksR

    Vario vs Rohloff on Superdelite with GX option on steep fire roads/trails

    i feel like a dinosaur on my supercharger2 with shimano derailer. But I have no problems with hills.
  4. AleksR

    Vario vs Rohloff on Superdelite with GX option on steep fire roads/trails

    see Marc from Paris that covered over 30,000 miles from Europe to Vietnam on Enviolo. Zero problems over mountain ranges.
  5. AleksR

    Bosch Smartphone Hub & iPhone 11 Locking

    I have the same set up and works great, phone is stable, no fall offs on rough terrain.
  6. AleksR

    Is a class 3 ebike adjusted to go only 20 mph class 2?

    Who would know if it is class 2 or 3? As long as you don't run down the pedestrians no one will care nor notice.
  7. AleksR

    SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

    Today's 46 mile ride from San Francisco to Belvedere and Tiburon.
  8. AleksR

    Running out of battery.....

    So I ran out of battery. I biked for 65 miles, around the bay area, hills, and against 10 miles/hour winds on part of the trip back to San Francisco, supercharger2 with two 500Wh batteries. The batteries ran out of juice at 4% and I had to walk the last 2 miles home. Now I am itching to purchase...
  9. AleksR

    Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

    Few oligarchs in Sausalito
  10. AleksR

    Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

    Marin headlands, north of San Francisco. It was a beautiful day yesterday.
  11. AleksR

    SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

    Yesterday's drive through marine headlands, north of San Francisco.
  12. AleksR

    Carrying spare battery

    I have a supercharger2. Extra battery is in the frame :)
  13. AleksR

    Never too much torque

    When I was younger, I played soccer and I worried about soccer balls. It was tough in Eastern Europe 30 years ago........
  14. AleksR

    R&M Bosch Gen 4 Motors.

    I have only done 300 miles on my supercharger2, but so far so good.
  15. AleksR

    A great West Virginia commercial...a mountain biker's dream

    Probably none. I was sent identical video that was all about W Virginia, but I think they co-opted it!
  16. AleksR

    Happy Father's Day to all!!

    I biked 40 miles from Ashbury Heights to San Andrea Trail and back. While biking, my three children called to face time. The iPhone holder from Quad lock was handy. While I watched ahead, they watched me riding up the hills of foggy San Bruno mountain.
  17. AleksR

    39,000 miles/62,000 kms in 37 countries with a Riese & Müller Supercharger

    Hi Marc, curious about your additional adventures. Where are you now?
  18. AleksR

    SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

    View of Pacifica, California from Milagra Ridge Park.