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  1. F

    Liberty Trike interests us for its RV-transportable. Any thoughts?

    Looking to take etrike for my wife in RV to ride around state and national park campgrounds. Also around neighborhood in our seniors community. We’re in our 70s. I have an ebike. My wife doesn’t walk easily. She wants an e-trike for stability. The Liberty Trike comes apart in two 25-lb pieces...
  2. F

    Trike short list and why...

    Any opinions on Liberty Trike? My wife wants stability, and the Liberty will come apart into two 25-lb pieces that will fit in our RV storage underneath. That’s the main reason we’re interested in the Liberty. It’s also narrow and will fit through doorways. She isn’t invalid, but walks little...
  3. F

    Liberty etrike?

    Thanks very much! New here and just finding my way around.
  4. F

    Folding bikes for RVers? Rad mini step-through vs Lecttic XP 2.0? Others? Liberty etrike?

    Most of our riding will be in National and State park campgrounds, which can get hilly. Maybe some mild off road in those places. She likes idea of Liberty etrike for herself. Way more stable. It also comes apart into two 25-lb halves that can easily fit under the RV. Much more limited, but I...
  5. F

    Folding bikes for RVers? Rad mini step-through vs Lecttic XP 2.0? Others? Liberty etrike?

    Any RVers out there with insight on these bikes? Also, any insight on Liberty etrike for my wife, which is very portable? thanks!
  6. F

    Help picking new ebike

    It’s narrow—24”—and comes apart into two 25-lb halves. Very easy storage/transport is a large part of our interest. Do you have experience with this trike?
  7. F

    Liberty etrike?

    Newbie here. looking for stable ride for my wife. RVers so foldable/compact is important. Mostly to putter around state park campgrounds, which can be hilly. Any input on Liberty etrike?
  8. F

    Help picking new ebike

    To take this on a different tangent… This is my very first comment here, and my very first thread. I am looking at getting my very first ebike and have many of the same questions We’ll RV, and want Ebikes mostly to putter around National and state parks campgrounds. Some are pretty hilly...