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  1. bluecat

    Total Eclipse

    let's add a few words: The sun appears blue due to the Mylar foil. Sunglasses are by far not dark enough. Watch only the total eclipse from bare eye. Once the total eclipse takes place, the temperature will drop. This will cause some wind. If it has not too much clouds, they will be blown away...
  2. bluecat

    Stromer Energy Consumption Data

    Very surprising the comparison with electric cars. 186 Wh pro km is roughly only 10 times higher (but the weight of a car is nearby 100 times bigger). I see the reason in the very much more often used "full throttle" mode an a Stromer.
  3. bluecat

    Stromer in the USA

    I rather share my experiences from Switzerland and Germany. Stromer US said: The final assembly of a Stromer might be (meanwhile) possible for a handy man. But more than any other commuter bike from any competitor, a Stromer contains a lot of proprietary parts. It's upon the customer to make...
  4. bluecat

    New Stromer flagship ST7

    From all newer 48V / 27½" Stromer, the ST7 was the most advanced I've tested but alos the most "defective". None of the issues did ultimately stopped the ST7 from running. But the restrictions were remarkable. Let's have a look on my hometown in the warm morning light. Stopped my commute on...
  5. bluecat

    New Stromer flagship ST7

    Hmm, We have different understanding of "fun". If I go "all in" in the flat, I'm always fighting the internal speed limiter. This is rather annoying than fun for me. So I ride in (3) and use (S) only for accelreration.
  6. bluecat

    New Stromer flagship ST7

    I can confirm, the (S) mode can get locked due to high motor temperature. This happens also, if proper settings are used. But operating the ST7 with too low speed forces the error. However, it's not a design failure, it's because of the safety settings. Remember: Riding in the flat with 45 km/h...
  7. bluecat

    New Stromer ST5

    Fully equipped, the ST3 Pinion LE had look like this. The chunky Pinion well visible, but somewhat more elegant.
  8. bluecat

    Stromer announces solid state ceramic battery prototype

    2023: Abouts 1650 hits for scientivic overwiews about solid state ceramic battery energy density. We live an a fundraising period. We're flooded with claims and promises about an probably upcoming technology. Once a real breakthrough comes closer, we will get facts and figures. Until then, it's...
  9. bluecat

    New Stromer ST5

    In German, we call this a "Hängebauch". But there are still much uglier designs on the market...
  10. bluecat

    Stromer announces solid state ceramic battery prototype

    No doubt, once ever the ceramic solid state battery will come to market, the e-automotive industry will open champagne. But for sure, this battery solves problems we not have on the Stromer. What we desperately need is a battery with much higher energy density. Stromer has built a mockup of the...
  11. bluecat

    Stromer in the USA

    With the most recent press release, Stromer claims to ramped up salesforce in the US. They mentioned a double digit growth rate world wide and a strong grow of the US market in 2022. The former head of sales Tomi Viiala now becomes Co-CEO together with Karl Ludwig Kley who was joining Stromer...
  12. bluecat

    New Stromer flagship ST7

    I listen the complaints and then try to rate them. I'll pick out a few points: ABS: I had one user, who claimed have don some settings on the ABS. But the ABS is fully independent from Stromer and OMNI. There is a ABS icon displayed at startup, but it may disappear or being replaced by another...
  13. bluecat

    Whaaaat! New St2 Pinion coming in April!

    Let me add the Tech Sheet and the list of options. The ST2 Pinion will replace the ST2 Sturmey Archer. You may recognize the model upgrading at the rear end:
  14. bluecat

    New Stromer flagship ST7

    Nope. The learning for the "Gates-ready" sensor design began with the ST2 Gates, followed by the ST3 Pinion and ist now at the ST7. The other series for all Stromer with derailleur gearing are different and should not be mixed up with the Gates.
  15. bluecat

    Goodbye Stromer...for now

    What's the price when you take the value in account? The value is more than just commuting environment friendly. The value is the daily laughing when you ride your Stromer. And overtaking other 45ers with their super-extra-cheap-builds is just priceless!
  16. bluecat

    Stromer ST1 charger, can it be repaired?

    The 36V chargers were without dedicated (proprietary) protocol. Might be easier to buy a no-name 36V 4A CC-CV with BFP and connect the needed plug. But then it's no longer Stromer equipment, so use in plant pot outside the house.
  17. bluecat

    New Stromer flagship ST7

    Like riding a Stromer is unlike riding a bicycle, foiling is no longer like sailing:
  18. bluecat

    New Stromer flagship ST7

    :-) seems you know how the grinders do their job in the AC75.
  19. bluecat

    New Stromer flagship ST7

    Alinghi. This name has an aura in Switzerland. Since alinghi, Switzerland is ranked on the seafarer list. Last year, Ernesto Bertarelli announced to challenge the cup together with Dietrich Mateschitz. The Alinghi Red Bull Racing Team was born. Today, Stromer is presented as the e-bike...