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  1. D

    Koda at 700 miles

    Interesting about they will switch to torques sensor. I want a cadence myself. You have air in the hydraulic brakes I would think that would be easy to bleed air out but no idea if the caliper has a bleed valve like on my motorcycles. What ever I end up getting no Ejoe dealer with 350 miles. of...
  2. D

    Koda at 700 miles

    Thanks for the reply. Yes they sure are improving it. Better brakes better battery and another gear. Iam also considering the Radcity bike but am leaning toward the Ejoe because its about 9 pounds lighter. I wonder how much improved torque the higher voltage ads.
  3. D

    Koda at 700 miles

    In your original post you mention a cadence sensor. I watched the video review here and he says it has a torque sensor? So did I miss understand you ? Which does it have the cadence sensor or torque sensor? I then found three different websites one selling a 2015 another the 2016 and another...
  4. D

    Securing the RadMini?

    Well right now iam considering buying a radcity bike. I will use my Abus granit 37/55 padlock with Pewag 3/8 chain. Pewag security chain is Rockwell hardness 62. Toughest chain that can not be cut by 4 foot bolt cutters. Every thing else mentioned can be easily cut by bolt cutters. Cable can be...
  5. D

    Can I even use a ebike in NY state?

    I talked to a local ebike seller. he even rents ebikes to local police which is right across the street from his store. Says there isn't a problem with them around her. It looks like most of the trouble is NY City. Not a surprise there. This now seems like I can get one. Plus there is a bill...
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    Can I even use a ebike in NY state?

    Thanks for the replies. My one concern is there is a bike path near me that I will use occasionally that has police patrol on bikes. I see them often when walking the path. I haven't done much riding with my regular bike as my knee is not in great shape. I thought an ebike would allow me to go...
  7. D

    Can I even use a ebike in NY state?

    I found the thread about different state rules and regs but am still at a loss if there legal or not. or maybe a better question what are the chances with a problem. Iam in the Buffalo NY suburb area. So any NY state ebike riders out there? What has been your experience with police? Can you...