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  1. D

    Break calipers too wide for hub motor

    Very informative, Thank you! My bike is 1500w 48 Ah, i installled it with two torque arms, but have read that only one is necessary, do you have any experience with this?
  2. D

    Break calipers too wide for hub motor

    Thank you for your reply, although it was really unnecessary. English is not my First language but i try my best to make myself understood, but i guess you cant escape the grammar police. If you have any other contribution to this thread which can help me with my bike i’ll gladly take it...
  3. D

    Break calipers too wide for hub motor

    Thank you for your quick reply, but unfortunatly i dont think i could pull that off! Im Looking for an easy option, prefferably something i can buy and just mount on the bike as im not that thecnichal And dont realt have any tools or experience with this
  4. D

    Break calipers too wide for hub motor

    Hey guys! Just converted my first bike to an e-bike, everything went great except when trying to fit the hydraulic break caliper to the hub motor. The spacing between the hub and the brakes is way to small to fit my current calipers, and i've been searching the web to try and find something...