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  1. Kevin Smith

    Explore E+ 3 Questions

    That’s not very far for this bike but range is really dependant on how hard and fast you ride. I have completed 50 mile rides and was a little conservative on power and had 30% left on the battery at the end. This weekend I rode a 30 mile fun ride and wasn’t at all conservative on using power...
  2. Kevin Smith

    Explore E+ 3 Questions

    You won’t have a problem with that commute and hill on this bike. I love to ride the paths along the river in my town - it’s 2 - 3 miles down hill to the river paths so it’s 2 - 3 miles back up that hill to get home and some parts are steeper than 5%. After a 16 mile ride on the paths I put it...
  3. Kevin Smith

    Explore E+ 3 Questions

    I have noticed the same thing with my bike - there is always a bit of a drain over a period of time. But I have seen the same behaviour on other lithium battery powered devices like iPads, laptops, fitness watches etc.
  4. Kevin Smith

    Explore E+ 3 Questions

    I have the Explore E +3 - bought it in Toronto a couple of weeks ago - really like the bike. This is the bottom level bike in the range - 2 more above it in Europe but my LBS tells me only this model is coming to North America for 2017-2018 model year. I have installed a Giant rear rack and...
  5. Kevin Smith

    Loving my Giant Explore in Toronto

    Hi folks - Kevin from the GTA / Toronto here. After months of shopping around for a bike under $3k CAD I had pretty much exhausted the sales bins around town and almost given up for the season. Then while cruising a few bike shop sites with a coffee on a Saturday morning I landed upon the new...
  6. Kevin Smith

    Longest Single Ride Yet!

    Thanks Ronin - I've ridden both the 2016 Turbo and the new Turbo Vado 3 & 4 and your absolutely right, the newer bikes are much more capable and there is only one (of four original) batteries available to order. I asked a similar question in the Turbo review comments and Court also pointed some...
  7. Kevin Smith

    Longest Single Ride Yet!

    Looking for a few opinions about buying last years model Turbo with older tech at a good bargain price or buying current year and technology. I have a great LBD who has a few 2016 Turbos left - these are the 200W motor and the 384 wh Battery. I can pick one up for ~$2450 CDA + taxes. That's...