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  1. Jim W

    Shipment Update

    I got a call from Juiced Riders this evening to tell me that my bike is ready to pick-up. Since no one will be in the shop on Saturday, I'll whip down there Sunday afternoon. They gave me an upgraded charger to replace the original, which didn't arrive with the bike. I'll have an update and some...
  2. Jim W

    This is a cool bike

    I know! I just happened to be perusing the Juiced Riders site last evening, hoping for an update, when I saw the additional photos. I'm expecting a phone call from them any day now.Then I'll have to decide how I'm going to get down their to pick it up. I think it's compact enough to fit in the...
  3. Jim W

    Enjoying Retirement

    Enjoying Retirement
  4. Jim W

    This is a cool bike

    Thanks Ravi. I noticed that REI lowered their price to $199 as well. I wonder if a new model is going to come out soon. At any rate, I'm going to try my custom "Howitzer" trailer and see how that one works out.
  5. Jim W

    This is a cool bike

    I was looking online for a simple trailer rig for carrying things other than children and I came up with these on <>, and...
  6. Jim W

    This is a cool bike

    Well, I took the cover off of my granddaughter's trailer "carriage." All that was left when I finished were two wheels and a rectangular, aluminum frame. I cut some pieces of 1X3 and 1X4 dimension wood and laid them longitudinally across the frame then bolted them to the frame. It's very...
  7. Jim W

    This is a cool bike

    Maraetsky and Ravi, That's perfect! As soon as I saw the photo, I remembered back to when I was in junior high. One of my bandmates rode his bike to school and carried a tenor sax. He rigged-up an old leather golf club bag, somehow connecting the handle to his seat post. I like the Travoy idea...
  8. Jim W

    This is a cool bike

    Hmmm! Now that's interesting. Tora mentioned something about someone he knew who had rigged something like this to carry a surf board. I thought he was talking about the ODK, but maybe this is what he was referring to. The EBR Community Accessories sounds like a good place to meet if I can come...
  9. Jim W

    This is a cool bike

    I have a new mission once my ODK gets here, and that is rig it so that I can carry a bari sax on the rear rack. I play in the local community college band at night, and I'd like to be able to ride my bike to rehearsals instead of taking the car. In case you're not familiar with it, the bari is...
  10. Jim W

    This is a cool bike

    Oh yeah, this is a great site for collecting valuable ODK resources. Thank you!
  11. Jim W

    Making of Juiced Riders

    Well, knowing Tora and his pursuit of perfection, I'm pretty sure that whenever an equipment upgrade or improvement comes down the pipeline, he'll immediately incorporate it into the bikes he sells.
  12. Jim W

    Making of Juiced Riders

    All gibber-jabber to me :). If you think it's a good motor, that's what I want. And I did watch the Seattle hill climb video. Very impressive.
  13. Jim W

    This is a cool bike

    I'm jealous, Mr. Rabbit, but I'll be dancing soon, by golly! Well, while I'm waiting for mine, I was looking around the internet and found another board with a forum about the ODK: <>. Here's a photo a guy posted...
  14. Jim W

    This is a cool bike

    That would be interesting. Maybe I'll be able to talk my girlfriend into that version. Don't know if she'll be able to wait for it though. She's not even a fan of Juiced Riders. She's more of a Pedigo Beach Cruiser rider. By the way guys, I got a call from Juiced Riders this afternoon telling...
  15. Jim W

    This is a cool bike

    Great story, Maraetsky. I can't wait to share my own experiences. I should e-mail Tora and ask if he would put together a YouTube video demonstrating how to fix a front or rear flat specifically on the ODK, or how to do any other "User Maintenance."
  16. Jim W

    This is a cool bike

    I don't know anything about battery warmers. I'm lucky enough to live in Southern California where I can ride all year long. The only problem I have to worry about while riding, or any time really, is where will I get a drink of water. Also, like Ravi said, that's a good looking helmet mirror...
  17. Jim W

    This is a cool bike

    Way to go, Maretsky. How long do you think the riding season will be where you live? I wonder if they make snow tires for the ODK.
  18. Jim W

    This is a cool bike

    Oh man, I'm salivating again.
  19. Jim W

    This is a cool bike

    Hey Mark, I agree with you on all counts. I think the ODK is the underrated, little known ugly duckling in the world of fancy-schmansy e-bikes; but as more of them hit the road, and certainly after performance news of the 32Ah battery gets out there, the guys at Juiced Riders are going to need...
  20. Jim W

    This is a cool bike

    Yeah, I know what you mean. I've been saving my cash since May. I should have enough to put in my bid at the end of September. I figure I won't need my car except every other week when I take my mom on her errands. And since it doesn't rain in Southern California anymore (usually), I think I'll...