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  1. aschrad

    Prospective Ebike owner

    Nice all really great info. Much appreciated! I did just dig into it a bit. You can get in and unrestrict the speed setting on the Rook/Colt by the looks of it.
  2. aschrad

    Prospective Ebike owner

    And looking at the specs again, they both the have the same controller no?
  3. aschrad

    Prospective Ebike owner

    I did consider the Shred, but I don't think I am after a Mountain bike. If I wasn't going Ebike, I would likely be looking at road with the super skinny tires, so the Colt seems closer to that while still giving me a bit of a rugged design to manage the odd off trail I might encounter. The...
  4. aschrad

    Prospective Ebike owner

    Update: I got into one of the local dealers today and they had a few Rooks in stock that I was able to take out for a spin. And I gotta say, I am in love. Beautiful bike, and even under pedal assist 1 I was flying up a pretty steep hill. The only thing that still has me a little cautious was...
  5. aschrad

    Prospective Ebike owner

    Yeah that does certainly sound similar to my story. My fitness has dropped drastically since moving to the burbs, having a kid, and now having a second kid, have just not been able to get it back under control. I love cycling so this ebike option seems to be a nice incentive. The commute on bike...
  6. aschrad

    Prospective Ebike owner

    Yeah all good points. I don't think weight is a huge concern for me, most lifting I would do, would be into the back of the truck. And yes removable battery is key for sure during the winter months. My commute is about 12km one way, with an elevation gain of about 500' from work to home, so...
  7. aschrad

    Prospective Ebike owner

    Thanks for your thoughts. I understand what you mean about the Rad products. I had them high on my list because people seem to really like them, but they just look a little cheap. Maybe from the modular nature, more utility than design perhaps. But the price is right, so they obviously have had...
  8. aschrad

    Prospective Ebike owner

    Thanks, I am getting more and more excited at the prospect of having one! There are some dealers in town but seem to be primarily only selling in the +$3000 range and with the current scenario, aren't allowing test rides. Which is also why I am now leaning towards the Colt, as it is something I...
  9. aschrad

    Prospective Ebike owner

    Update: After basically a full day of research I think I am sold on either the RadCity 4 or Surface 604 Colt, with the Colt holding a slight edge because there is actually a dealer in town. But also torn on saving the $500 and putting it towards accessories on the Rad... Dilemmas Dilemmas
  10. aschrad

    Prospective Ebike owner

    Hi everyone, I join you all from Calgary Alberta under bittersweet circumstances. I had just started looking at ebikes after coming across an Indigogo campaign for the "Babymaker" but was not really seriously considering anything for probably the next couple of years. Then low and behold I...