Search results

  1. Reid

    Need a working good 48V CCS battery for a Juiced brand bike that survived a crash

    I have given my crash-survivor Juiced bike to a new American emigre, an AC repairman here in Miami who helped us with an AC replacement. Roland is a super nice good guy so I gave him my bike for free. But the battery has been flat for too long and will not charge. He has got the bike working...
  2. Reid

    Help with going Tubeless on the Ripcurrent S

    I found success only by getting an air compressor and tire inflator and remove the valve core and if that big blast does not seat the tire, I would temporarily stuff it with crumpled paper to help spring the beads to the rim so the first inflation can occur. Let it sit for a bit and then...
  3. Reid

    Help with going Tubeless on the Ripcurrent S

    I've only ridden 500 miles so far this year but the tubeless conversion continues to work fine. I enjoy the tires I choose and the sealant has to be redosed about every six months. But, no flats. About a thousand miles all told since the conversion. The crushed chainstays ruin the bike for...
  4. Reid

    15 month CCS report: silent running, no issues at all

    Here is the original, fairly high-definition crash video put to YouTube a day or two before the news outlets picked up the story to save lives. It was made with one of those inexpensive Go-Pro type cameras. I was going 23 mph and cars do not consider the existence of bicycles to their right...
  5. Reid

    15 month CCS report: silent running, no issues at all

    Am very happy with the CCS I got some 15 months ago. Have not made any additional mods to the bike for many months now. It is fully perfected for my needs. Added only a motion sensitive alarm a couple of months ago, in adjunct to a ring lock. For my area, the ring lock and motion alarm are...
  6. Reid

    Almost a year and about 2k (?) miles with the CCS. A quick visit to update:

    I don't have an odometer, just the CCS stock display. I reset the trip odo regularly, so I do not know my total milage. Have made no more modifications to the bike since before the car/bike crash of late, last Feb. The bike is perfect for my needs and my likes. The ten-speed conversion...
  7. Reid

    Review of popular YouTube presenter Zack Nelson of Utah, USA

    Only 19K views since its long ago 2014 inception when Jerry sill rigged everything, In his early days,Mr. Nelson has yet to hit his stride. His hands look a lot younger and are still innocent of thousands of hours of scrapes and hard knocks he will live since then! The eggspearienced Zack of...
  8. Reid

    Should wearing helmet be optional?

    Off topic. Anything to distract from anyone being unhappy. 1930, Any televisions? "Will you give me a dollar to put in my bank?" The setting is, of course, you know it, Florida. :) ...kicked to death by two infuriated canary birds... ...someone had been feeding them meat. A popular...
  9. Reid

    Dork disc... Love it or lose it?

    I don't know why those plastic discs age so poorly, but they do get brittle in a relatively short time. As already noted, just adjust your derailleur L limit stop; the "dork disc" is then made truly worthless.
  10. Reid

    Should wearing helmet be optional?

    If you allow this surgery I will save your life. If you elect me president I will make America great again. If you take my every word to be the truth I will make you my chump. *well meaning surgeons in turns killed both my parents. *your vote counts. *Our resident president.
  11. Reid

    Should wearing helmet be optional?

    In my state there is no helmet law for adults. All I wish to stand for is our individual freedom to make good or bad choices for ourselves, when the choices are not against the law. In this case, in my state, an adult need not wear a helmet. Several million people besides myself agree...
  12. Reid

    Should wearing helmet be optional?

    That seems like a draconian reply. I hope I misunderstand you. In the video below, in the background, there goes a bike rider without a helmet. If a car cuts him off and he hits his head, do you maintain that he should be denied insurance restitution because he legally refused to wear a...
  13. Reid

    Should wearing helmet be optional?

    Wear a helmet or get a ticket = artificial law. On the other hand, the inverse square law is natural law, and as such cannot be argued against; ie: the impact force at 20mph is four times that of 10mph. Accepting that natural laws cannot be argued against, each of us makes a personal...
  14. Reid

    Report of my first 4000 miles on a CCS (also my first 5 months of owning it)

    Hi, public hero RN! My late brother was an RN. Have never thought of injecting fresh sealant via a puncturing hypo before. Thank you for the tip. I should get over needlephobia and follow Schwalbe's advice and yours.
  15. Reid

    Should wearing helmet be optional?

    How variable we all are! This is why the helmet question must only be answered by each of us alone and not by force of artificial law. I wear my helmet on some rides. I do not wear my helmet on other rides. I wish I had worn my helmet for this ride, but despite that I did not, I escaped a...
  16. Reid

    Should wearing helmet be optional?

    But what if you bang into some projection, like tree limb or low awning overhang at any speed? You will be hurt. However, I do not wear a helmet unless I am going to ride within heavy auto traffic. No one has right in the USA to tell others how to live their lives. I appreciate that my...
  17. Reid

    Report of my first 4000 miles on a CCS (also my first 5 months of owning it)

    Astonishingly, Schwalbe instructs, that to monitor that there remains an adequate liquid amount of sealant in the tire (sealant tends to dry or coagulate over months), intentionally puncture the tire! I can't bring myself to do it! I'll just take out the valve core at 6PM some day and run in...
  18. Reid

    Greetings, another newcomer here - CCS hopefully on the way soon

    Long time cyclist, you are going to like your CCS! I've had mine for eight months. It has provided so many benefits. I can drive a car whenever I need to use a car. Maybe once a month. Otherwise, I use a bike as much as possible and as much without the assist on as possible. The CCS has...
  19. Reid

    Ebikes aren't cheap; Cheaper than monthly Rx's and Gym Membership

    I am happy on my bike, that old person who began riding at 47. Wow! Our best future world is not a world of border walls but a world of wheels bringing ourselves closer together.
  20. Reid

    Ebikes aren't cheap; Cheaper than monthly Rx's and Gym Membership

    I take only blood pressure medication, because without out it my blood pressure tends to be higher than it should be. At 64 my weight is ten pounds more than it should be. My brother (he was an RN) died of sudden cardiac death at 63, as did also his physician g'father at 56. Both were...