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  1. B

    Best ebike for commute w/variable terrain

    That looks almost perfect, thanks Art! I may peruse the EBR site to see if there's something comparable at a lower cost, but this give me a better idea of what to look for. I'm so grateful for this information guys, thank you!
  2. B

    Hello from Austin, TX!

    Thanks for all the info, y'all! It's great to be back home :D
  3. B

    Best ebike for commute w/variable terrain

    Wow! Thank you, that is some great information, very detailed. I appreciate you taking the time!
  4. B

    Hello from Austin, TX!

    Hello ebike community, My husband and I are moving back to Austin this weekend, we've been living in Singapore for just under a year. I'm not sure what part of town I'll be working in, but I know I want to commute on a bike and an ebike just makes so much sense in Austin. Also, I've been...
  5. B

    Best ebike for commute w/variable terrain

    Hello! I'm moving back to Austin, TX from SE Asia. I sold my car when we left and would prefer not to get a new one and opt for an ebike instead. I'd like to get a used bike that can withstand street riding, gravel (like the Hike & Bike Trail), as well as actual trail riding (although this last...