Search results

  1. Nader

    Availability update...

    I was reading that the 2015 Haibike Bosch system will support a feature on the display that indicates to the rider when a higher gear would be a better idea. Will older Bosch system be upgradeable to this feature? A somewhat related question: I bought an XDURO FS RX in August 2014, can I...
  2. Nader

    Loud Brakes

    Larry, thank you again!! The bed-in process worked. The front brake is now quite.
  3. Nader

    Loud Brakes

    Hello everyone, Does anyone know a way to quite down, even if just a little, the disk brakes on a Haibike? I have the XDURO FS RX 27.5. I was riding down a steep hill yesterday and the noise was so loud people at the bottom of the hill complained to me. It gets worse the slower you are going...
  4. Nader

    Availability update...

    Thanks, and I got the FS RX 27.5 By the way, I took a 11 mile ride today on some pretty hilly paved roads. At the end I had 4 bars and 22 mile range. If I'm pessimistic about the 4 bars and I consider that 60% that gives a range of 27.5 miles. Going by the range, I would have a 33 mile...
  5. Nader

    How can I include photos in a post?

    Hello, I hope this post is not inappropriate. I wanted to include a couple of pictures of new eBike in post but wasn't sure how to do that.
  6. Nader

    Availability update...

    Hello Everyone, I wanted to share my experience searching for an eBike and how happy I am that I ended up with a Haibike (I will post a couple of pictures as soon as I figure out how to do that) I started my eBike search in June. After a little searching I found an awesome local dealer: San...
  7. Nader

    Availability update...

    So Currie / Haibike get an A+ for customer service :). Larry replied to me within 5 minutes on a Friday night! And I was able to correct the problem.