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  1. G

    Electronic Braking in PAS

    Thanks for posting your follow-up. Hopefully it may help someone else who has the same question. On Christmas day I did take my new XP down to our underground garage for a quick spin. I understood how the PAS on our hubs worked but was disappointed in how high the PAS1 was set at, I would...
  2. G

    Relocating Battery to Rear Rack

    When Plan-A was not available you went on to Plan-B... Well Done. There has been a few times it felt like I had went through Plans A-Z and was starting on Plan-AA before I figured something out. :) If the 5-pin I found above was the correct size for you, cutting off the 5th pin (or pulling it...
  3. G

    Relocating Battery to Rear Rack

    Yup, I have looked at both of them. Grin Technologies is the URL I listed above for the 5 blade connector. tnx George
  4. G

    Relocating Battery to Rear Rack

    Yup, I have looked at most of the sites you recommended. I did not see the site which shows a 5 pin Blade connector that looks simular to the one in the XP, but without any dimensional information the only way to know...
  5. G

    Relocating Battery to Rear Rack

    I'm in a situation where I live in a apartment style building with a secure place in our underground garage to park my XP but no power available to charge it. Folding the bike every time (multiple per week) to remove the battery for charging is not going to hack it. I'm making plans to...
  6. G

    Electronic Braking in PAS

    Sorry it took me so long to reply, I received my XP about a week and a half ago and finally got a chance to see if mine had any dynamic braking as you discribed.... it did not. I had the front tire in a Bikehand floor stand and made a lift for the rear that is basically a inverted "T" about 2...