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  • Just took my first ride on CSC 750 Ebike. 30 minutes into the ride, I lost throttle. 30 secs later no LCD screen. Checked connections, Battery was fully charged. Took out battery and snapped it back in place. Could not get LCD screen to restart or motor to engage. Any clues?
    I had the exact same thing happen 2 miles into my first ride. It ended up being a simple fix. There was a weak solder joint inside my battery. The negative battery output wire was barely connected it's output terminal. Battery press-to-test was fine however no voltage when using a meter on the output terminals. I opened up the battery to see if it was internally fused (some are) and discovered the problem.
    Thank you for your tip. CSC thought it might be the controller and have sent a replacement. I will also look at battery too I did forward your note to CSC and I'm certain they 'll appreciate your insight and experience. Cheers.
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