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  • Welcome! Lots of good info here! Ebikes have been great for me. I biked for years but found it harder to keep motivated, the ebike has extended my range so much I really enjoy getting out and exploring on it!
    That is great! Everyone comments on how fit I look. That is because of eBikes. You are not using your core balance muscles on a Peloton.
    I am new to this forum. I have been cycling since the mid 70's. I also was a runner. I ran several marathons, half marathons, and lot's of 10k's. I am a retired police officer (CHP 27 years). Cycling/running provided me with an outlet for stress. I retired in late 1998 and I'm my 6th road bike since. Never thought I'd be one to buy an electric bike. Never say never. It will come back to bite you. Glad to be here.
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