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  • I just can't bring myself to ride my EBike in wet weather. Water has a way of getting into places.
    Rob NJ
    Rob NJ
    We took our Trek Supercommuters over on the ferry from Boston to Cape cod for a week. Only transport we had. Rode in the pouring rain many times. Also took them on a bike rack across the country, and down the east coast. Of course we don’t do stupid things, wipe them off, protect them as well as we can, but zero problems.
    Me and my wife got stuck in a sudden torrential downpour for several kilometres on our Pedago bikes. Dried them off when we got home and no problems.
    Bought the Ripcurrent S from Juice Bikes Nov. 3 I love it so much I just had to buy another one so my GF can ride with me..
    Awesome bike !!! But ! After 10mins of normal paved riding my very first time the forks snap. Literally snap on the brake side. Well I'm a pretty understanding guy and thinking it just a fluke incident or whatever... it's under warranty they called me with in hour after I sent them the clam and what happened to tell me I was gonna be taking care of.. nice .. I think me and Juice Bikes are gonna get along ok.
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