Recent content by zPengu

  1. zPengu

    AM1000V6 or CC

    What emtb do you have? I've been keeping an eye out for other emtb's with more than 100nm of torque that would be suitable for shorter people but haven't had great luck.
  2. zPengu

    AM1000V6 or CC

    I got a Medium frame and I'm 5ft. I can't stand over the frame unless I'm really leaning to the side. Remounting The bike is a bit of struggle 😂. The sales person highly recommended I get the CC instead but I thought I would've been fine (I am on paved straight trails but on smaller...
  3. zPengu

    AM1000V6 or CC

    I bought an AM1000 a few years ago and I love the bike but it's a tad too tall for me to take out on the trails safely. I'm waiting on the CC but I had asked to swap the tires out with the 27.5 x 2.8 tires instead. Honestly, I think the difference between the two is just the seating posture...