Recent content by Wwarren

  1. Wwarren

    Adding aftermarket 6-volt headlight to Momentum Transend E+ (& Giant and Liv bikes)

    Having ridden a couple of days with the AXA light, I’m happy with its brightness for evening rides and like that it has side illumination and an attached reflector. I was surprised however when powering the bike on, that the control pad defaults to the light being on. For day riding I have to...
  2. Wwarren

    Adding aftermarket 6-volt headlight to Momentum Transend E+ (& Giant and Liv bikes)

    Nice writeup! My local bike shop ordered a AXA Blueline 50 ebike lamp ($63) for my 2020 Momentum Transend E+. I expected to need an appointment for the mechanic to do something like your procedure, but the owner of the shop was able to simply pull the wires out of the side port and the lamp...