Recent content by WheelsOntario

  1. W

    Téo Impressions after a few rides

    Have a look at the thread I created about the problem: I included a photo of the relevant section from the manual which, unless I'm somehow reading it incorrectly, appears to come right out and tell you not to...
  2. W

    Teo owners, have you checked your bikes speedo vs GPS?

    Pretty sure it stands for "Yugo Makes Marvelous Vehicles" :p I double-checked both odometers following my commute to and from work yesterday and my phone said 72.5 km while the Téo had 72.2 km. Pretty close!
  3. W

    Facebook Teo Owners Group?

    I'd join. :D
  4. W

    Teo owners, have you checked your bikes speedo vs GPS?

    I'm running about 20 PSI for a mix of asphalt and trails, but keep in mind that I'm just a shade under 300 lbs, so (literally!) YMMV. Did a long ride today (about 60 kms) and the GPS and Teo display were within a km of each other, so I'm happy with that.
  5. W

    Teo owners, have you checked your bikes speedo vs GPS?

    Mine was also off so I changed the tire size to 29". @Falken, I noticed you used 28"; 29" seems pretty close for me, but I'll keep an eye on it and might switch to 28" if it's still off.
  6. W

    Téo Impressions after a few rides

    Thanks, @vadim1836, you'll love this bike! It's so much better at handling 'normal-sized' guys like us than any other bike I've tried. Like me, you'll probably want to raise the handlebars, but unfortunately there's not a lot of slack in the wiring to give you much more than setting the...
  7. W

    Téo Impressions after a few rides

    Thanks,@Falken ! I like that look too--shame that I need the pannier rack for hauling stuff and the fenders for rainy day use, otherwise they'd be gone. :p
  8. W

    Téo Impressions after a few rides

    Nice! So just a matter of splicing the wires to the correct leads? Interesting that it emphasizes heat dissipation--I didn't think LEDs produced any significant heat.
  9. W

    Téo Impressions after a few rides

    Worked perfectly, thanks. Didn't bother reattaching the non-functioning light, but I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem now.
  10. W

    Téo Impressions after a few rides

    Awesome, will definitely check that out. Thanks!
  11. W

    Téo Impressions after a few rides

    Thanks! Unfortunately, I lost one of the connectors. I guess I'll just go with my external light and turn on the LCD display backlight separately. It's a shame but I'd expect the wires to be severed again eventually.
  12. W

    Téo Impressions after a few rides

    Perfect! Will try that when I get home. Thanks, Denis!
  13. W

    Téo Impressions after a few rides

    I picked up my shiny red Téo Limited, Size L earlier this week and thought I'd share my initial impressions. First, some background on me and why I decided to go with an electric fat bike. I'm fairly large at 6'4" 285 lbs, in my early 50s, with the attendant knee problems you might expect of...
  14. W

    Shifting Gears with Pedal Assist

    It's been great, thanks, but I've given up trying to shift when in pedal assist. Too scared, lol! Attached is the relevant section from the manual.
  15. W

    Some pics of my Téo. Went for a 70 km ride today. A blast! Soooo happy with my purchase. Love it.

    Found on eBay: (Link Removed - No Longer Exists) Cost me just a hair under $80 once shipping was added. Oh well! :-(