Tone Rob
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  • Does anybody know where they have 20x4 big knobby tires in stock at
    I just saw Amazon has four selections. I did not dig deeper.
    Ok ,My sondors fold XS crew,
    Got my bike out together Friday and my people, let me tell you this, OMG , you guys are gonna love this bike. I haven't been in a bike in 20 something years, this bike is effffing amazing
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    Dang i can't wait for mine, eta end of oct aka mid Nov lol. Are you on any of the sondors FB groups? There's a sondors fold nyc group and we are planning an nyc ride around Thanksgiving!
    So today I received my Sondors fold xs rack and fenders,and now waiting for them to ship out my bike.
    My order was for July delivery, and they are saying it should ship on our before Aug.24.Has anybody else experienced this delay shipping with Sondors
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    Tone Rob
    Tone Rob
    You right about that fam, now the bs email saying just what you said, delay,delay delay, the excitement is over, anticipation gone, now is the thought of hold my head or cancel my order
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    Definitely stay the course. Only a few weeks, at most.

    You can do that standing on your head.
    Tone Rob
    Tone Rob
    New update, that just shipped my bike, hopefully they're catching up on the orders
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