Recent content by Sweetwater

  1. Sweetwater

    New Kiox 330 doesn't power up or down.

    Final update, the bike is up and running x 5 days now. Replacement Kiox received, defective unit returned. Atypical winter weather here so I've gotten several rides, some miles and some smiles. Happy New Year to all.
  2. Sweetwater

    New Kiox 330 doesn't power up or down.

    After measuring it, you're correct. I've edited the thread title, thanks. It's this one:
  3. Sweetwater

    New Kiox 330 doesn't power up or down.

    The first app I tried was the Flow? app and it didn't connect/work. I downloaded the current Ebike Connect and it did connect with the Kiox while it was active on the bike. My replacement Kiox is due Friday so I'll have a better idea when I get it up and running. As I said above, my local Bosch...
  4. Sweetwater

    New Kiox 330 doesn't power up or down.

    This Kiox does not have the second battery display like the Nyon. And the good news is that the bike sales staff has responded to my phone message. They are shipping a replacement unit and including a return label for this defective display. Thanks to Zack, my local Bosch tech and to Propel who...
  5. Sweetwater

    New Kiox 330 doesn't power up or down.

    I've just taken this Kiox 500 into my local Bosch ebike service center. That tech tells me that the internal battery is not replaceable by them. It's not charging as it should and the unit is defective. He admitted that he's never seen a defective Kiox like this one. Now to get the sales folks...
  6. Sweetwater

    New Kiox 330 doesn't power up or down.

    The battery display shows the bikes storage, currently 75%. I haven't found a Kiox battery indicator after reviewing several searches. That battery isn't functioning or the Kiox is defective is my conclusion.
  7. Sweetwater

    New Kiox 330 doesn't power up or down.

    No response here yet. Sales support tech suggested this is due to an uncharged Kiox battery. Hooked up the USB port and it powered up and began to cycle screens. 14 hours later, took it off the USB and it cycled screens then shut down again. Still won't turn on. Problem filed again with online...
  8. Sweetwater

    New Kiox 330 doesn't power up or down.

    The power button isn't engaged for some reason? I have to plug in the battery to the charger to get it to power up. If I remove it from the cradle, it cycles through the screens then says "Goodbye" If I leave it in the cradle, it does the same cycle and shut down. The only way to power it up is...
  9. Sweetwater

    What is the expected lifespan of the Bosch drive unit?

    WOW I'm here to explore another issue but this jumped out at me. I've got one buddy with around 20k miles on his Yamaha system. Lot's of bike hardware and battery turnover. Now that we know the motor is this robust, how's your battery system held up?
  10. Sweetwater

    First Brose ebikes for my wife and I

    Bloody hell as the Brits say... Got stiffed by the seller on the Allround display, PayPal did do a refund. On another forum, it was noted that his Bloks display was replaced under warranty with the Allround pictured earlier. Ebikes 508 says it won't work and is continuing not to replace it due...
  11. Sweetwater

    New 2021 Bulls E Stream Evo's for us.

    Bloody hell as the Brits say... Got stiffed by the seller on the Allround display, PayPal did do a refund. On another forum, it was noted that his Bloks display was replaced under warranty with the Allround pictured earlier. Ebikes 508 says it won't work and is continuing not to replace it due...
  12. Sweetwater

    First Brose ebikes for my wife and I

    And now for the bad news: Wife took her bike in for a tune up with 1200 miles. That Blok display went down and I've understood it's on backorder and not available to replace. Mine has never had good rocker position and feel so I've ordered the color Allround but it's a long ship from Europe. She...
  13. Sweetwater

    New 2021 Bulls E Stream Evo's for us.

    And now for the bad news: Wife took her bike in for a tune up with 1200 miles. That Blok display went down and I've understood it's on backorder and not available to replace. Mine has never had good rocker position and feel so I've ordered the color Allround but it's a long ship from Europe. She...
  14. Sweetwater

    Heres some real world ebike motor data.

    I think you came to the wrong thread to put out your agenda. Much of my riding is not on trails and I live in a mountainous area so I'm more than familiar with elevation changes and their results. I'm a fairly big guy and thought the 28mph pedelec was what I needed. Nope, I'd rather have the 20...
  15. Sweetwater

    Heres some real world ebike motor data.

    There were no +75lb Chinese bikes on my ride this afternoon. The Bafanng system is 15lbs alone. Going fast on a heavy bike equals a big energy release if stopped quickly. Great to hear you're back at your age, I'm 5 years behind you. 2 fusions and a new left knee 9 weeks ago. I got 1300 vertical...