Recent content by seandepagnier

  1. seandepagnier

    concerns with ebikes laws and ways to improve them

    I like ebikes much more than cars, but I am concerned with the dangers they pose. It is a terrible shame that motor cars were ever allowed in the first place. They have gotten us into a situation where billions of people in the world are beginning to demand reparations for climate justice...
  2. seandepagnier

    concerns with ebikes laws and ways to improve them

    All my serious crashes were due to motor vehicles cutting me off in one way or another, or in one case a truck dropping fist sized rocks. Using a bicycle sucks because of motorists, and having these new heavy ebikes on my walking path is similarly shitty. I talked to my friends in denmark and...
  3. seandepagnier

    concerns with ebikes laws and ways to improve them

    The speeds are getting into the realm where additional safety gear besides a bike helmet may be beneficial. I have crashed a normal bicycle dozens of times, and the worst crashes (still have scars from 15 years ago) were above 20 mph. I am not saying that I don't think we shouldn't ride...
  4. seandepagnier

    concerns with ebikes laws and ways to improve them

    I am in the US, specifically north carolina. I like bicycles. I enjoyed an ebike last year. I am now a pedestrian and I don't think it is very far to walk 5 miles each way to do shopping so have no need for a bicycle currently. I have enjoyed an ebike and had one for almost a year. I use...