Recent content by Rexlion

  1. Rexlion

    The more I ride it, the more I like it.

    The exhausted battery voltage should be more like 42V, maybe 41 and change, I think. My guess on the ebike's range would be more like 40 miles.
  2. Rexlion

    Cycling Shirt.

    Remind me, where am I and who are all you strange people? 🤣
  3. Rexlion

    People are strange.... Free ebike.

    Or inter-marrying and having kids, with some of the old folks dying off or moving to Arizona.
  4. Rexlion

    People are strange.... Free ebike.

    No one remembers your name. 😉
  5. Rexlion

    my parent ask me for money, I need advice

    If you love your parents (as you ought), you will want to do what is in their best interest. What is in their best interest depends on the situation! You're in a better position to know that that is than anyone on a forum.
  6. Rexlion

    The original torque wrench is still the best!

    The gal next door to me feels no pain. Seriously. It's a medical condition. I'm not letting her torque my hardware!
  7. Rexlion

    Budget helmet?

    Plus the knowledge absorbing material in craniums breaks down over time, and should be replaced every 100 years or so. 😉
  8. Rexlion

    Budget helmet?

    Walmart has some for $20. I had a cheap Bell helmet from WM for use with my regular bike, but with the increase in speed from the ebike I spent the money for a tested, highly rated helmet. Still, it was only about $50 IIRC.
  9. Rexlion

    What Do You Do With Your Old Unused Conventional Bikes?

    My conventional bikes gather dust, although I did ride one of them one time last spring, and it reminded me why I no longer ride conventional bikes! About 3 years ago a renter next door moved out and left a Peugeot on the curb. They're sort of rare and I saw them selling for as much as $150...
  10. Rexlion

    Guys who ride step through bikes...

    Maybe it's the pink pedals? Other than that, the bike looks plenty manly to me.
  11. Rexlion

    Different Seat

    Cloud 9 seats are wider. But AFAIK any replacement seat's rearward adjustment will be limited to the length of its mounting rails, which is maybe an inch.
  12. Rexlion

    need help on purchasing ebike asap

    My first thought was the Lectric XP Lite, but it's $799. So maybe the best bet is to check Facebook Marketplace, as was suggested by another. You might possibly find a preowned Lectric folder for $500 or $600.
  13. Rexlion

    Who's naked bike riding?

    I can picture that narrative... "Oh, there goes a guy who looks almost as good as me. Not as well endowed as me... none of them are. And none of the females look anywhere near as lovely as you, dear." :)
  14. Rexlion

    Police patrol on E-Bikes. OPP - Ontario Canada

    Perfect equipment for the next "Blanco Bronco slow speed chase." 😁