Recent content by JHutch

  1. JHutch

    Wabash RT or Civante for touring?

    I decided to pass on a Yamaha all together. They are probably great bikes despite the known issues. But the actual bike shop knowledge in their dealer network in my area is less than mine. I ended up going a totally different direction. I started looking at drop bar ebikes. Everything I...
  2. JHutch

    Wabash RT or Civante for touring?

    Thanks for all the replies. The Cannondale Topstone Neo 5 is on my list. Cannondale's website shows the Neo 5 unavailable in all sizes. I have a local REI, but they show only medium and XL frame sizes available. I might call the local store and see if they can bring in a medium for a test...
  3. JHutch

    Wabash RT or Civante for touring?

    Thanks, good advice I'm sure. Particularly about walk assist. I'll have to check that out. The thing I've struggled with in trying to decide on an ebike is local availability. I'm in the St Louis area and there are plenty of good bike shops around but finding one of the bikes I'd consider...
  4. JHutch

    Wabash RT or Civante for touring?

    Thanks for the reply. I didn't see anything describing a gift card. The website says "customer cash". I guess that's a little ambiguous as to its form. The dealer quoted a price of $3299 plus tax after the Yamaha rebate. I assume the rebate is applied at purchase. But I will clarify that...
  5. JHutch

    Wabash RT or Civante for touring?

    Forgot to mention. With the current promotion the Wabash RT is $800 off plus a 2nd battery and a 5 year warranty. The Civante is not included in that deal. Also the Yamaha dealer didn't appear to be much of a bike shop. The sell motorcycles, ATV's, lawn mowers, you name it. It took them 15...
  6. JHutch

    Wabash RT or Civante for touring?

    I've been riding a Fuji Touring bike for 10 years and am now looking for an ebike that I can use for touring and have been considering both the Wabash RT and the Civante. I was able to test ride both at a local (within an hour's drive) dealer. Any bike I choose needs to either have or the...
  7. JHutch

    Hello from St Louis

    Hi All, at 71 I've been riding bikes a long time. Since the late 60's I've ridden a Schwinn Varsity which I rode till I crashed and bent the frame, then a 1975 CCM branded aluminum frame touring bike which I rode till the frame cracked. I didn't replace that until 2012 with a Fuji Touring bike...