Recent content by GrandPappyMike

  1. GrandPappyMike

    Do any radmission owners have battery caps?

    I created a battery cap for 3d printing which anyone can download and print for free. I posted these in December of 2019, well before they showed up on etsy lest anyone should think I copied them.
  2. GrandPappyMike

    2 New RAD City bikes- cresting over a hill.

    If I remember correctly they were about the same, maybe some improvement. The biggest benefit for me was not having to adjust them a couple of times a week like I did with the stock ones. I feel they are worth the money. I would say overall they are better at stopping, because if your going down...
  3. GrandPappyMike

    2 New RAD City bikes- cresting over a hill.

    Just as a side note regarding riding up and down hills on a regular basis. I replaced the brake calipers with the JUIN TECH R1 Hydraulic Hybrid calipers. I'v gone over a 1000 miles before feeling the need to change the pads. And I have never had to adjust them in that time which is just wonderful.
  4. GrandPappyMike

    2 New RAD City bikes- cresting over a hill.

    I have the 2018 and have the same issues. It doesn't lock but it is hard to pedal. I live in the Catskill mountains and every direction I ride is uphill. You can see in the picture, on yesterday's ride we climbed 1636 feet. Rad says to avoid steep hills or walk the bike on hills you can't peddle...
  5. GrandPappyMike

    spare battery

    We use a ROCK BROS Bike Pannier as seen on the white bike in the picture.
  6. GrandPappyMike

    2 Battery Chargers Over Heating

    Thank you, I'll give it a try, problem is I've never seen it turn green.
  7. GrandPappyMike

    2 Battery Chargers Over Heating

    I just measured the temperature of the charger after 1 hour. It's a 151 degrees Fahrenheit. That seems awful hot to me.
  8. GrandPappyMike

    2 Battery Chargers Over Heating

    Thank you. I thought the maximum time they took to charge was 4 hours. I have no idea where I got that number from.
  9. GrandPappyMike

    2 Battery Chargers Over Heating

    Thanks, maybe they would go green if I waited.
  10. GrandPappyMike

    2 Battery Chargers Over Heating

    I have 2 battery chargers and 4, 48v 2018 batteries all purchased from RAD. The chargers will charge all the batteries but the chargers never go green and then they get extremely hot. I have to set a timer for 4 hours and just unplug them. I was just going to buy an aftermarket charger thinking...
  11. GrandPappyMike

    Rad Power Bikes in General

    Hello, May I ask for a link to the battery charger you bought? Thank You, Mike
  12. GrandPappyMike

    Master Key for 2018/2019 batteries?

    Someone offered to trade me a master key for some 3d printed items. Such things always concern me.
  13. GrandPappyMike

    Master Key for 2018/2019 batteries?

    Does anyone know of such a thing as a master key for the 2018/2019 batteries? We have 4 batteries and a master key would be nice.
  14. GrandPappyMike

    2018/2019 Rad Battery Pack Connection Cover

    I created a battery connection cover for our spare batteries we store in our panniers. I didn't want the connection damaged while riding around on bumpy trails. You can download the file for printing from Thingiverse.
  15. GrandPappyMike

    Custom Enduro -Finally Finished!

    Thank you. I'm in New York.