Recent content by Dadam

  1. D

    Hi from Staffordshire

    Welcome on board. I got an Orbea Gain (also with the Mahle x35 system) on my employer's cycle scheme back in November. I'd actually requested the voucher with Ribble for the CGR AL-e but I then got cold feet with the build date going out to March and beyond, and reading of people waiting 8-9...
  2. D

    Why Class 3 is such bad legislation...

    To clarify. In the UK filtering and lane splitting is legal but only past stationary or slow moving traffic. I drove round round the Paris Peripherique at rush hour once, that was an experience! A constant line of scooters and motorcycles whizzing past either side between each of 4 lanes of traffic!
  3. D

    Why Class 3 is such bad legislation...

    That really sucks. Filtering is the great advantage of urban cycling. Cycling infra is patchy here, and where there are paths they’re usually shared so it’s usually not safe to be doing over 15. Better generally to be on the road, but when queues build it’s such a joy to filter past them all...
  4. D

    Why Class 3 is such bad legislation...

    Where every other vehicle has a throttle…except, I dunno, all the bicycles? 🤷‍♂️ You shouldn’t really get stuck in traffic on a bike. Don’t bikes and motorcycles have the right to filter through queuing traffic where you’re from? Agree with the rest though.
  5. D

    How accurate is the Range in the Mahle app

    Seems quite low. I did my first ride back from collecting my Gain from the shop, about 23 miles with a couple of steepish long hills. I'm aroung 15 stone (200lbs, 95kg). I started with the bike in L1 and went up to L2 for small hills and L3 for the bigger ones. When I got home the bike had been...
  6. D

    Can the MET police take your ebike away if you have insurance on it

    @m@Robertson MOT is an annual roadworthiness and safety test for motor vehicles over 3 years old. So yes, possibly that too. 'Taxed' means vehicle excise duty has been paid but this would actually be zero rated for an electric vehicle so I was wrong on that point.
  7. D

    Can the MET police take your ebike away if you have insurance on it

    If it's registered as a moped, with a numberplate, and taxed and insured, and if you have that category on your driving licence, and you have passed the CBT for a moped, you're fine. No to any of those and if they stop you they WILL confiscate it and will probably give you a fine and points on...
  8. D

    Orbea Display at same time as handebar iWoc?

    I believe they are fully ANT+ compatible in protocol terms but aren't equipped with power or cadence sensors. They do speed, battery level, odometer, assist level, system errors. It's only the Gain since 2020 model that is compatible. I don't know about the Vibe
  9. D

    Great Deal on Costco Priority Currents

    They're ok but I prefer sultanas
  10. D

    Orbea Display at same time as handebar iWoc?

    The ebikemotion motor can't sustain a steep climb on it's own but it's not designed to. It's designed to assist the rider who has to put in some effort themselves. Different strokes for different folks. For me I like manual bikes and pedalling. I just wanted some help on the hills and in...
  11. D

    Orbea Display at same time as handebar iWoc?

    It’s a bicycle with the legal max assistance in the UK, 15.5mph (usually 15.8 due to the legal margin). It’s also a very light ebike that feels like a “real bike” ie a manual one. The battery plus motor weighs 3.6kg together. Navigate by the sun? 😂 I guess you’ve never been to the UK? We...
  12. D

    Orbea Display at same time as handebar iWoc?

    Is it this unit? I’ve just got a 2022 Gain D40 with this unit. It is a quick release, insert and turn a 1/4 turn to click in. I believe it’s the same fitting as Garmin units. I’m not sure if what you want to do is possible...