Recent content by cobrajack

  1. cobrajack

    Turbo Vado & Como Tune - A Hidden Gem for BLOKS Display Users

    Well, here's where my personal experience ended up. Full disclosure: I'm the 2nd owner as I purchased it from the first owner. The first owner worked on the marketing team for this bike and that team was partially compensated in, you guessed it - BIKES! They all got one. Well, the bike...
  2. cobrajack

    Turbo Vado & Como Tune - A Hidden Gem for BLOKS Display Users

    Well, LBS said I was out of luck. But, when I got home I was able to plug the BLOKS display into a wall outlet and it powered on just fine. Then I mounted it in the Vado cradle, with power from the wall and it appeared to be communicating with the bike. So then I lifted the rear wheel and ran...
  3. cobrajack

    Turbo Vado & Como Tune - A Hidden Gem for BLOKS Display Users

    Stefan, Really appreciate your help. I've never changed that battery and the bike is 5 years old now. Amazed it lasted this long. I bet it's a common CR2032 coin cell. I'll run down to the bike shop and see if any of that works. Thanks!
  4. cobrajack

    Turbo Vado & Como Tune - A Hidden Gem for BLOKS Display Users

    Stefan, Can you help me understand where exactly that reset is on the BLOKS head unit and where the battery is, which battery type it is and how to change that out? My 2018 Turbo Vado 6.0 is at the bike shop and they just quoted me $2,500 to upgrade it. Hoping it's just a dead head unit (I...