Cathartic Release

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  • I emailed Doug Snyder the owner of California eBike. He had them in stock. I do tech support for him from 1600 miles away from the CA shop. I don't sell for him. I typically avoid even posting links to CA-EBIKE. I'm here to continue to expand my knowledge base and assist BBSxx series users in finding solutions to issues.

    It may be less costly than direct from Grin.
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    Reactions: jcastanza
    Thanks! I buy my personal stuff from Grin. I just wanted to share an available source. I'm paid for tech support not sales.
    @tomjasz. That is why you are so informed. It is also why I EBR. I am on my own out here and it is good if I can wrap my head around problems before I encounter them in the real world. With peer review.
    Can you or CEB help advise @Karana? See Himiway, Known Problems. She has a battery issue with a new internet only bike.
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